
George is new to AAHA. We will post more information as we get to know him better.

Age: <1
Weight: 43
Breed: Beautiful brindle pittie
Dog friendly: He met the cute young male dog and was very wiggly and gave him kisses.
Cat friendly: TBD
Kids: TBD
House Trained: TBD
Ideal home environment: Fun-loving with good energy for a young pup!
Opportunities for improvement: TBD
Fun facts: For a dog under 1year old, George is remarkably calm and well behaved!! When we met him, George was very relaxed in the room and just laid down. He didn't care about a toy, but played gently with the handler, just running around the room.

George was great with all handling and showed no food or resource guarding.

Calling all brindle fans to come meet this certified good boy! 💜

Arrived: 5-27-22
Status: Foster

George is a house-trained neutered male with up-to-date vaccinations.